Hawaii Rush

Rush Wisconsin West


2024-2025 tryouts


Players are members of the Rush Wisconsin West as a club, not individual teams within the club.
Players selected for the competitive program not only join Rush Wisconsin West but over
70 other Rush clubs around the country.
You have joined the largest soccer club in the world with over 40,000 members!


  • Licensed Professional Coaching: Licensed via the United States Soccer Federation
  • Part of a global network of coaches that work together as a unit on player development and player placement. Over 30 states, 70+ Rush Clubs, 100’s of coaches
  • Meet our Professional Staff

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much do tryouts cost?

A. Early-Bird Tryout Registration for current Rush Wisconsin West Players is $15 for players born 2014 (U11) or older. Early Bird Registrations ends on May 27th.  Registration will be $25 for all registrations received after May 27th. This fee includes a try-out shirt for all new player registrations.  Current Rush players will wear their black practice shirt.   **RWW may change pricing information

Q. Will there be mock tryouts for Academy (U9 and U10)?
A. Yes.  This year we will hold an Academy Discovery Days mock try-out days TBD.  We encourage all academy players to register and attend mock try-outs so they become familiar with the try-out process.  Use the registration link to register.  Current Rush Wisconsin West players are given a reduced try-out fee.   

Q. Does everyone make the team when they try out with Rush?
A. At U11-14, our tryouts serve as player placement sessions. We will make every effort to find the appropriate level of play for each player who signs up.  This may not always be possible. At U15 and older, our goal is to form the most competitive teams possible. This means that some players may not be offered a roster spot, whether or not they have played with Rush in the past. It is very important that players attend as many tryout dates as possible to get a thorough evaluation. 

Q. What if my player can't make the tryout dates?
A. Every effort should be made to attend all three tryout dates, especially at U15 and older. Evaluations will be based only on what the technical staff see at tryouts, so attending each session gives them the best chance to make the right decision for each player. Make-up tryout dates might be scheduled upon request, but only if there is still space on the appropriate team. 

Q. Will there be an opportunity for my player to "play up?"
A. First, it is very important to understand that playing with older players does not always mean playing at a higher level. That being said, we do focus primarily on the development of the individual player and will look to place everyone in the appropriate environment. This year, age groups have been assigned to tryout together so the technical staff can see how players react with different levels of pressure. The groups will be adjusted throughout tryout week to ensure competitiveness, and the technical staff may ask that a player attends the tryout of another age group. These requests come completely at the discretion of the technical staff and parent/player requests will not be honored.

*No team offers until will be given to families with past due accounts*

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